Work With Me

I help quiet, introverted teens and their parents understand introversion so that life becomes less stressful and works better for you all. 

Through my expert courses, coaching and workshops, teens will find greater self-understanding and confidence; and parents will learn valuable tools and strategies about how to better communicate with their teenager, and how to be an advocate for them in situations where introversion isn’t understood.

Our world is geared towards the extrovert ideal which can make it hard for the quieter among us. Introverts have their own unique skills and talents, which don’t stop them from doing or being anything that they want to be. In a world where we are all encouraged to speak up, to join in, to be more outgoing, introverts – who make up approximately 50% of the population – can feel excluded, broken or less than. 

Extroversion works brilliantly for extroverts; introverts need an introvert-friendly way of doing things.

This is where I can help. 

How you and your teen will benefit:

  • Less stress and anxiety – at home and at school
  • Improved communication
  • Better understanding and self-awareness
  • Greater resilience
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Higher self-esteem and self-confidence

Through my expert courses, coaching and workshops you will learn to understand and even embrace introversion to help make life easier and less stressful.

If you are a school or college looking for more information about my Introversion Awareness Training you can contact me to find out more information.

Courses and Workshops

introduction to introversion

– for teens

For teens to reduce stress

Understand and embrace introversion

Contact me to find out more.

Supporting my QUIET CHILD

for parents

For parents to support their children 

Understand and embrace introversion 

Contact me to find out more.


– for teens

Coming soon!

Watch this space for when Covid restrictions are lifted.

Sign up to my newsletter to be keep up to date with developments.


Before purchasing a coaching program please read the Coaching Agreement and Coaching Agreement Terms

1:1 coaching

– for teenagers

Work with me 1:1 to either complement the course or as standalone support will help you learn tools and strategies to make life easier.  

Coaching is a safe space, where we can talk without judgement and you will find your voice and identify what you need to move forward and thrive. Coaching sessions are solution-focused and practical.

Contact me for more details.


1:1 coaching

– for parents

Work with me 1:1 to either complement the course or as standalone support will help you learn tools and strategies to make life easier.  

Coaching is a safe space, where we can talk without judgement and you will find your voice and identify what you need to move forward and thrive. Coaching sessions are solution-focused and practical.

Contact me for more details.